Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Planning- Film Idea. Genre (Khamroul Hasan)

Genre of our Film

We have decided as a group that the the specific genre that our film 'Footsteps' is going to be thriller, the sub genre are going to be action and horror, the reason why we decided to choose action is because it is possible that there will be scenes of violence, not only that, horror, the reason for this is because we want to put the viewer in the characters position, trembling with fear, through the use of over the shoulder shots and first person shots.
Over the Shoulder Shot
First Person Shot

Which title sequences have inspired me:
  1. Purge
It is clear from the mis en scene that this opening sequence sets the mood for a thriller/horror due to the violent acts of crime such as murder that we see.
The jump/cut editing also creates a fast paced sequence, making the audience feel on edge and fitting with the thriller genre.
Another reason is because  there is a mixed contrast and dark colours that the film is going to be sinister, and therefore the target audience would probably be young adults.

     2. The Ward

As we also want our opening title sequence to have fit the spooky theme, the ward helps us get an understanding, as in the start a boat light in the distance shining on the barrel makes it look mysterious. The bright orange colour makes the production name stand out and the star like design  surrounding it makes it eye catching, we want our presented title to be similar to this, finally this is the first shot in the film, this establishing shot sets the scene and created a dark, unsettling mood in the film.

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