Saturday, 22 October 2016

Research- Summarise your findings of the genre conventions in film openings from your chosen genre.

 Elements that are always found in a genre.

From the research and analysis I have carried out from title sequences of the genre Action, I have made a final conclusion that there are many Codes and Conventions within them. One part I noticed within the three title sequences I was studying, was the high amount of editing.

 In action/thriller films, when it comes to the use of editing and effects, one type that is always used is explosions and loud music. This aspect causes the feeling of suspense and movement. The explosions aspects also creates the illusion of violence and destruction, making the audiences feel they are a part of it, keeping them at the edge of their seat. This along with loud music creates tension and a spark of action. 

A major characteristic that is featured in all action/ thriller films is building of tension. This can be done in several ways. One way is through fast paced movement in scenes, which makes the audiences heart beat fast then all of a sudden the scene slows down, slow motion, creating a atmosphere of tension.

Specific colors are used with connotations such a death, violence, action. These colors being red, fiery yellow and orange in some occasions. Another typical aspect of action/thriller films are the use of loud impeccable sound used to shock the audience making them feel they are in the terrifying scene, to shock the audience and sometimes to confuse them about the characters surroundings.

 Often there will be sudden explosions, crashes etc that most of the time isn't related with the current scene, this often again causes the audience to become frightened, curious and joyful.

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